You can access settings by clicking on
inside the main MT4Professional panel
The following window will open.
All settings are synchronized in the cloud, there are two kinds of settings: settings synced among all instances (general settings) and settings specified for the current instance (these instance settings).
General settings are:
- Treat Empty as Zero: in fact on MT4 empty and 0 are two different values, however, some indicators return empty with a meaning of 0. Enabling this setting the empty will be treated as 0, so in the scanner, you can just compare empty values with 0. We suggest keeping it enabled.
- Crosshair Enabled: if enabled the synced crosshair will be shown in all charts
- Crosshair Color: the color of the synced crosshair will be shown in all charts
As specific instance settings there are:
- Symbol Prefix: If your broker adds a prefix to your symbols (eg. mEURUSD instead of EURUSD), add it here
- Symbol Postfix: If your broker adds a postfix to your symbols (eg. EURUSDm instead of EURUSD), add it here
- Scanner Speed: Set the scanner speed to scan all rules, if you set "fast" high computer resources usage may be required.